All Donations

14 years ago
Christina Scholes fundraising page

Well done. Sorry for the delay but I've been otherwise engaged recently Donation by Bernie McGrath 05/12/09 Good trekking - glad it's you doing it !! Donation by Graham Rhodes 30/11/09 Donation by Jean Lomas 09/11/09 Very Good Luck Christina - puts a whole new meaning to getting sand in your shoes!!! Donation by Phil and Lynne Beard 06/11/09 Donation by Anonymous 06/11/09 Good Luck. We have every confidence in your success. xx Donation by Elaine & Geoff Pinner 02/11/09 You walking in the Sahara, you get lost in Sale. Donation by Stuart and Gaynor Wilson 30/10/09 I knew you were brave being a true city fan all these years!! Good luck hun! xx You will do Sparky proud !! Donation by David & Debs Cooper 03/10/09 omg, you are crazy but amazing good luck with it and i hope it isn't too painful for you! xx Donation by Vicky Appleton 01/10/09 Hi, you don’t know me but I know Vicki. My mom passed away with ovarian cancer so it's a cause close to my heart. Wishing you lots of luck!! Donation by CLARE MAHER 01/10/09 Good Luck in what you are doing as it's for a excellent cause x Donation by Tom and Yvonne McLaughlin 26/09/09 Good Luck, You are a special friend Donation by Judith McCabe 15/08/09 Good Luck Donation by Roy Scholes 27/07/09 Sorry I can't give more mum, and sorry I can't do it with you! xx Donation by Becky 17/07/09 You won't know me - this is via Judy McCabe. I so admire you - very best wishes. Donation by Pat Firth 16/07/09 If you need anything whilst you are away I'll be in the club!! Donation by Dean Scholes 16/07/09